Privacy Policy

Restaurant Safety and Security

What Personal Data do we collect?

We may collect Personal Data when you visit our restaurant, participate in promotional or marketing activity, sign in for our wi-fi or contact us. This information may include:

  • Information you provide when you reserve a table (contact name, phone number, email address and any additional notes you may provide, for example if you are celebrating a special occasion);
  • Transaction and billing information when you purchase food and drink in our cafes (e.g. your purchase and credit/debit card details used to process a payment);
  • Records of your communications with us via phone, email or social media;
  • Feedback you provide;
  • Information we receive from other sources, for example Google Analytics, when you visit our Sites, such as web browser type and version, operating system, the website you came from and exit to, your  Internet Protocol address, your browser settings, the date and time of your visits.


How do we use Personal Data?

We process Personal Data for the following purposes:  

  • fulfilling an agreement with you, communicating with you and providing customer services;
  • managing, operating and improving our services online, by email, or phone or in our cafes (including enabling you to manage your marketing preferences);
  • managing access to wi-fi services whilst in the restaurant;
  • monitoring our restaurants via CCTV cameras to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, terrorism, misrepresentation, security incidents or crime, in accordance with applicable law;
  • communicating, investigating and handling any queries, complaints or feedback.


Who will your Personal Data be shared with, and where?

We will share your Personal Data:

  • With our suppliers and service providers working for us such as payment providers, reservations service providers, communications providers, wi-fi service providers and advertising platforms;
  • With our professional advisers and insurers;
  • With third parties engaged in credit verification, fraud prevention or detection;
  • With government, regulatory and law enforcement authorities if required; 
  • Purchasers (and prospective purchasers) of shares or business assets or  investors (and prospective investors) in us (together with their professional advisers);
  • We will obtain your express opt-in consent before sharing your Personal Data with third parties for marketing purposes and you will be able to opt-out at any time.


What cookies will be used on the website?

Our Sites uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Sites,  to collect information to help us improve our Sites and to target marketing and advertising to Site visitors.


How long will you hold my Personal Data?

We will keep Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which we obtained it. Thereafter, subject to certain exceptions, we will retain Personal Data until the earlier of: (i) a short period of time after you ask us to stop doing so (to allow us to implement your request); or (ii) 24 months after your last active engagement with us.  If almost 24 months have expired since your last active engagement with us, we will contact you to check if you still want to hear from us.  If you confirm you do, this will re-set the 24 month period to zero.